Saturday, December 29, 2012

Camping in Hakone, or Rather Photography in Hakone (12/28/12)

Hey oh y’all,

This might seem like a cop-out (and it sort of is), but I’m going to try and let Sumi-chan and her photos tell our Hakone camping trip. I mean, let’s be honest, there is almost no way for me to do this camping trip justice.

The cool "sparkle" effect.
In other more important news, I am now learning about photography (sort of). Today I figured out how to use the timer on my camera…that was cool. I also learned about how light can change a scene: Like about how the sun can backlight which makes your faces dark. And that falling snow can reflect a flash (which makes a cool sparkle effect on your photos, but makes the rest of the scene darker). And that the same scene can look different at different times of the day.

So yeah! Yay photography!


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