Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Playing by the River! Not So SAD (3/15/13)

Hi everybody!

Today everybody finished finals…well everyone except for David since he still has a paper to write haha!

But so everybody – but the namakemono – went outside today! Yay for good weather finally!
Unfortunately, the winter here is much colder and wetter than California, so a lot of the Stanford students probably came down with SAD – or Seasonal Affective Disorder. When someone doesn’t get enough sunlight, she or he often becomes sad (hence the name). Often the person’s sleep becomes troubled she/he is tired throughout the day. There aren’t too many cures for it – but I hear petting a panda helps! So be warned when traveling during the winter!

Jacob and Shun! Photo finish!

Hello Mr. Ishikame (stone turtle)
Ho, hum. Think, think, think.

But thankfully everyone is feeling really good today so we went to the river and played!

It's a birdie!

Everybody wish David some luck! He’ll need it.


Just a photo of RJ's host family's restaurant...and sunny weather.

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